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Negative pressure units

H&H 690

The H&H690 manual negative pressure unit is our smallest and lightest device intended for residential renovations. Sufficient for dust control in areas smaller than 35 m² (90 m³), which allows for approximately 6 air changers per hour.

H&H 690

H&H 800

The H&H800 manual multifunctional negative pressure unit is a basic device designed for residential renovations. Intended for dust control in areas smaller than 40 m² (100 m³), which allows for approximately 6 air changers per hour.

H&H 800

H&H 800s

H&H800s is a manual multifunctional air filtration device. H&H800s is an 800-model equipped with a display and an integrated digital precision pressure gauge, energy consumption gauge, and operating hours gauge.

H&H 800s

H&H 5000

H&H5000 manual negative pressure unit. For depressurization and dust control during residential renovations in areas smaller than 300 m² (100 m³), which allows for approximately 6 air changers per hour.

H&H 5000

H&H 5000s1

H&H5000s1 IoT automatic negative pressure unit. For depressurization and dust control during residential renovations in areas smaller than 300 m² (100 m³), which allows for approximately 6 air changers per hour.

H&H 5000s1

H&H Tuonti Espoo

Lanttikatu 1
02770 Espoo FIN

+358 9 5259 030

H&H Tuonti Oulu

Myyntimiehenkuja 10 C 4
90420 Oulu FIN

+358 9 5259 0328

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