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H&H 5000s1

H&H5000s1 IoT automatic negative pressure unit. For depressurization and dust control during residential renovations in areas smaller than 300 m² (100 m³), which allows for approximately 6 air changers per hour.

The new H&H 5000S1 IoT negative pressure unit eliminates and/or removes the need for various work elements and devices at renovation worksites.

Energy consumption is minimized

Noise generated by the device is minimized

Negative pressure cannot become excessive or remove harmful particles from surfaces – the motor automatically runs at the minimum speed required to reach the desired level of negative pressure

Produces reports that facilitate supervisory work – clear and up-to-date reporting of results

Automatic notifications or malfunctions and errors

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  • Removes the need for manual monitoring of the level of negative pressure, as the device maintains the desired level (-3, -6, or -11 Pa) automatically. If the device is unable to maintain the desired level, a notification is sent to the specified telephone numbers, followed by a notification once the situation has been rectified.
  • The site supervisor does not have to be alerted to the site, as the automated notifications allow you to call in a person to carry out any maintenance or repairs. A second SMS notification will be sent once the situation has been resolved.
  • Removes the need for manual monitoring of the condition of the filters, as the device sends an SMS notification when filters need replacing, followed by a notification once the filters have been replaced.
  • Minimizes the impact of power cuts on the negative pressure, as the device has a backup battery and sends an SMS notification to the specified numbers in the event of a power cut, followed by a notification once power has been restored.
  • No need to learn new software, as you only need an email address and a mobile phone to receive data from the device
  • A separate datalogger is not required as the device includes a built-in logger
  • No need to download data to a PC at the worksite, as the device can automatically send reports to specified email addresses

Included equipment

  • Filters 1 of each type, G4 pre-filtration mat, G4 coarse filter, H13 micro filter
  • Telia SIM card for the device; the service is registered in the client’s name. A personal Telia, DNA, or Elisa SIM card can also be used
  • USB data cable for connecting to a PC (if you want to download a report to a PC with the Meslog software)
  • 5 m reference negative pressure hose, the unit can be positioned inside or outside the area under renovation ¹
  • Meslog software (required to produce a negative pressure report tied to a timeline)
  • User manual in Finnish and Swedish
  • QR code for an instructional video. For entering a work number, address, mobile phone numbers, email addresses.  Starting up the device, starting the datalogger, stopping the datalogger, stopping the device, and sending a deviation report.

¹The device functions as a positive pressure device when the reference negative pressure hose is connected the wrong way round contrary to the instructions provided on the panel

See accessories and add-ons

Technical specifications

Depth x Width x Height, mm 610 x 680 x 820
Weight with G4+G4+H13 filters/without filters 35 kg / 44 kg
Air volume without filters, approx. 4970 m³/h¹/0 Pa
Air volume, new G4+G4+H13, approx. 4375 m³/h¹/400 Pa
Air volume, dirty 90% used, orange warning light lit, approx. 3210 m³/h¹/875 Pa
Air volume, 100% used filters, red light lit, approx. 2990 m³/h¹/950 Pa
Dirt holding capacity of filters, approx. 750 Pa¹ (400>1150)
Pre-programmed negative pressure levels, only 5000S1 3 Pa, 6 Pa, 11 Pa
Ventilator motor EC, ERP 2015 compliant 1,35 kW, 4,8-6,7 A
Supply current 230 V AC,50/60Hz
Adjustable RPM range, approx. 300-2920/min

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    +358 9 5259 030

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    +358 9 5259 0328

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